Get on the NH Liberty Leader List

Want to be on the New Hampshire Liberty Leaders list? Read on for how to get involved

Recently, a list of the most active members of the liberty community was released by a New Hampshire-based anti-liberty organization.

A gift to show our appreciation to those on the list

We are proud to call many of the people on the list our friends and clients, and we want to make sure you know how much it means to us to have you alongside us on the journey to liberty in our lifetime. If you were on the list and are planning on attending Liberty Forum, fill out this form and stop by the Porcupine Real Estate table to pick up a little gift from us.

How to get involved

Since the list was published, we've had lots of questions about what you can do to get on the list, so we thought we'd put together the top ways you can work towards liberty in New Hampshire and possibly get on future lists:

  1. Buy a house from Porcupine Real Estate
  2. Run for local office, promising to cut spending
  3. Attend training by NH Liberty Alliance, 603 Alliance, or AFP-NH
  4. Be endorsed by NH Liberty Alliance, Get Involved PAC, Young Americans for Liberty, or AFP
  5. Post or like a post on any of Free State Project Facebook pages or groups
  6. Attend New Hampshire Liberty Forum or PorcFest
  7. Support the idea of secession (NHEXIT), even if it's simply allowing the voters to vote on it
  8. Appear in a photo with Vermin Supreme
  9. Post on social media that your town/city spends too much money on public schools
  10. Donate money to the Children's Scholarship Fund's Educational Tax Credit program
  11. Homeschool your children
  12. If you're a state representative, join the Republican Liberty Caucus
  13. Join the Mises Caucus
  14. Get a B or better grade from New Hampshire Liberty Alliance as a state representative
  15. Sponsor and/or volunteer to speak or help out at Liberty Forum or Groktoberfest
  16. Volunteer with New Hampshire Liberty Alliance
  17. Volunteer with the Free State Project
  18. Volunteer with the American Legislative Exchange Council
  19. Attend Nashua Liberty meetups
  20. Join a non-Republican, non-Progressive political party
  21. Volunteer with Americans for Prosperity
  22. Join Facebook groups like Moms for Liberty and We the People
  23. Follow or write for Granite Grok