Porcupine Real Estate Blog
Client Profile: Mike & Debbie – Manchester

Porcupine Real Estate clients Mike & Debbie had been entertaining the idea of moving to the Free State for a few years. Mike's best friend & Army buddy, Jess Edwards, had been sending him information on the Free State Project and reasons why they should make the move.
After reading more about the FSP and talking with Jess, Mike & Debbie decided to move from their home in California. Mike created a list of the top five reasons for their move:
1. Leaving the Nanny State behind - As much as they enjoyed the California weather, the state seemed determined to continue reducing individual liberty and stealing from everyone to advance leftist agendas and projects, from ludicrous handgun legislation to regulating the amount of dust from farming.
2. Taxes - Since New Hampshire has neither income nor sales tax, Mike & Debbie will save around 15 cents on every dollar. Being retired, this is a big savings.
3. Family - The couple's children & grandchildren live in Virginia and Maryland, so moving closer to them was appealing.
4. People - The people in the FSP really want to make a difference, and the political activism was energizing to Mike & Debbie. They liked the forums for information on how they can advance individual liberty and they have enjoyed the friendliness of the people in the movement.
5. Friends - Moving closer to Mike's best friend was the icing on the cake!
Mike & Debbie found a house in Manchester, only 7 miles from Jess & his wife. They love the area because of the variety of shopping and things to do, and they like that it's small enough to not have big city problems, such as traffic.
Welcome home, Mike & Debbie.