Porcupine Real Estate Blog
The Haunted New Hampshire Trail

Use our interactive Haunted New Hampshire map to plan which haunted sites you want to visit! Each map location has a link to the haunted legend. Or click on Haunted Locations to view a list of reportedly haunted stops by region.
Haunted Locations by Region
Lakes Region
The Tilton Inn - Tilton
Alton Town Hall - Alton
Plymouth State University - Plymouth
Colonial Theatre - Laconia
Archer's Pond and Polly's Crossing - Ossipee
Merrimack Valley
Ocean-Born Mary House - Henniker
Blood Cemetery - Hollis
Margaritas Mexican Restaurant - Concord
Windham Restaurant - Windham
Gilson Cemetery - Nashua
New Hampshire State Hospital - Concord
Darrah Pond - Litchfield
The Little Red Schoolhouse - Epsom
Huntress Hall at Keene State College - Keene
Woodland Cemetery - Keene
Vale Cemetery - Wilton
North Country
Stark Road Graveyard - Conway
The Notchland Inn - Hart's Location
The Omni Mount Washington Hotel and Resort - Bretton Woods
The Beal House - Littleton
Epping Town Hall - Epping
Smith Hall at UNH - Durham
Hotel Portsmouth - Portsmouth
Cocheco Falls Millworks - Dover
Three Chimneys Inn - Durham
The Chase House - Portsmouth
Mark H. Wentworth House for the Chronically Invalid - Portsmouth
The James House - Hampton
Point of Graves Burial Ground - Portsmouth
Upper Valley
Dartmouth College - Hanover
Colby-Sawyer College - New London